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DGPuK Journal Article Award 2023 for Our Researchers

DGPuK Journal Article Award 2023 for Our Researchers

Wiebke Loosen, Stephan Dreyer, Wolfgang Schulz and their co-authors were awarded first place in the DGPuK Journal Article Award 2023 for their article "Von der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion zur kommunikativen KI" [From Human-Machine Interaction to Communicative AI].
KI as a Research Object
The article deals with the automation of communication as an object of communication and media research. The central thesis is that in order to be able to comprehensively deal with the transformation of our media environment associated with the automation of communication, the view must be expanded from the perspective of the "direct interaction of man and machine" to "social communication". Such a broadening of perspective asks how the dynamics of social communication as a whole change when "communicative artificial intelligence" becomes part of it.
Co-authors were Andreas Hepp, Juliane Jarke, Sigrid Kannengießer, Christian Katzenbach, Rainer Malaka, Michaela Pfadenhauer and Cornelius Puschmann. The article was published in the journal "Publizistik" in November 2022.
The DGPuK Journal Article Award
At each DGPuK annual conference, awards are given to the best articles of the respective previous year published in the journals "Publizistik", "Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft" and "SCM".
Second place this year went to Winfried Schulz for his article "Wie Wahlkommunikation mobilisiert: Einfluss-, Selektions- und Reziprozitätsbeziehungen bei der Bundestagswahl 2017" [How Election Communication Mobilises: Influence, Selection and Reciprocity Relationships in the 2017 Bundestag Election], published in M&K.
Third place went to Mathilde H. A. Bastiansen, Anne C. Kroon and Theo Araujo for their article "Female Chatbots are Helpful, Male Chatbots are Competent? The Effects of Gender and Gendered Language on Human-Machine Communication", published in Publizistik.

Preisträger*innen des DGPuK-Zeitschriftenpreises 2023
Winners of the DGPuK Journal Article Award 2023
Hamburg, 25 May 2023


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