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Congratulations to Dr. Johannes Schmees!

Congratulations to Dr. Johannes Schmees!

​On 26 September 2023, Johannes Schmees successfully defended his dissertation on "Rechtsschutz durch Entscheidungsarchitekturen – Skizze einer deskriptiven Systematik zur Erfassung staatlich-exekutiver Entscheidungsbildung bei der Implementation algorithmischer Entscheidungssysteme" [Legal Protection through Decision Architectures - Sketch of a Descriptive System for Capturing State-Executive Decision-Making in the Implementation of Algorithmic Decision Systems] with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz. Congratulations to Johannes Schmees! We are very happy for him!

The thesis focuses on the theoretical, methodological, and constitutional implications of the state's use of algorithmic decision-making systems for law and jurisprudence and will be published by Duncker & Humblot within the next months.

Johannes Schmees worked at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut in the research area "Regulatory Structures and the Emergence of Rules in Online Spaces" from June 2019 and supervised the interdisciplinary project of the Volkswagen Foundation "Deciding about, by and together with Algorithmic Decision Making Systems". He studied law at Heidelberg University, Geneva, and the University of Münster with a focus on information, telecommunications and media law.


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