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BredowCast #33:  Football and the Media  – A Successful Symbiosis

BredowCast #33: Football and the Media – A Successful Symbiosis

The FIFA World Cup is a media spectacle that is without equal. Our new BredowCast-host Johanna Sebauer and the media historian Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wagner talk about how football has developed in the media and how both spheres have influenced each other.

For some people, the World Cup is a spectacular festival celebrated worldwide. For other people, it is a ridiculous event they do not really want to know about. However, one can hardly escape this event. In this episode, our new BredowCast-host Johanna Sebauer speaks with the media historian Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wagner and takes a journey through the media history of football. From the first experimental radio and television broadcasting to the highly professional media circus, which is football today. They will also talk about how football has developed in the media and how both spheres have influenced each other.

Picture: Feo con Ganas on Unsplash


Radio Commentaries/Goal Celebrations
Das Wunder von Bern [The Miracle of Bern - 1954 FIFA World Cup Final]
Das Wunder von Córdoba [The Miracle of Cordoba - 1978 FIFA World Cup]

Meyen, M. (2014): Die Medialisierung des deutschen Spitzenfußballs [Meditisation of German Top-Level Football]
Lederer, D. & Wagner, H.-U. (Hrsg.) (2011): Sport und Medien. Eine deutsch-deutsche Geschichte [Sport and the Media. A German-German History]


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