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Study on Media Use is Looking for Participants in the Hamburg Area

Study on Media Use is Looking for Participants in the Hamburg Area

Netflix, podcasts, Tagesschau - in a qualitative study, we want to find out how people connect with the world through the media and how they inform themselves about it. For this purpose, we are looking for participants in the Hamburg area in the following age groups: between 18 and 25, 35 and 45 or 60 and older.
Participation in the one-and-a-half-hour interview is remunerated with a 30-euro voucher from a provider of your choice.
The study is part of the DFG-funded project "Public Connection: The Contribution of Individuals to the Construction of the Public."

Details of the Study

The study on "Individual Practices of Public Relations" pursues purely scientific purposes. We are interested in how people use media to inform themselves about the world and connect with it. In today's media environment, a lot is changing. In addition to established media such as radio and newspapers, there are new offerings such as WhatsApp or Facebook. We would like to talk to you about what topics are important to you in life and how you use which media to do so.

The Interviews

The interview will last about 1.5 hours and can take place at our institute or at another location of your choice. As a thank you, you will receive a voucher for 30 Euro from a provider of your choice. Your participation in this examination is voluntary. You are free to cancel the interview at any time during this study.

Are You Interested in Supporting Us?

Then please contact Lisa Merten by telephone on 04045021787 or by e-mail l.merten@leibniz-hbi.de.
Infoblatt zum Download (in German)

(06 February 2020)


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