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Risk Atlas. Growing Up in a Digital World. Taking a Child's Perspective. Acting Future-Proof

Risk Atlas. Growing Up in a Digital World. Taking a Child's Perspective. Acting Future-Proof

The updated and expanded 2nd edition of the risk atlas “Digitales Aufwachsen. Vom Kind aus denken. Zukunftssicher handeln” [Growing Up in a Digital World. Taking a Child's Perspective. Acting Future-Proof]. The atlas is published by the Federal Centre for Child and Youth Media Protection (BzKJ) and was compiled by Stephan Dreyer from the Leibniz Institute for Media Research │Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) and authors from the JFF - Institute for Media Education in Research and Practice.
You can download the risk atlas here [in German]: Gefährdungsatlas. Digitales Aufwachsen. Vom Kind aus denken. Zukunftssicher handeln. Aktualisierte und erweiterte zweite Auflage. [Risk Atlas. Growing Up in a Digital World. Taking a Child's Perspective. Acting Future-Proof. Updated and expanded second edition.]
The updated and expanded second edition contains a systematic basic update of the first edition. Furthermore, the reality of children's and young people's lives in the context of media use under the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic is taken into account to a greater extent.
The risk atlas describes 43 media phenomena, the potential risks associated with them as well as development opportunities for children and adolescents. The atlas is supplemented by a classification in terms of children's rights and pedagogy on how to deal with the phenomena described.
In addition, a socio-ethical discourse on socialisation goals in a mediatised society was added. This offers, among other things, an insight into the previous work of a strategy process on child and youth policy, "Digitales Aufwachsen. Thinking from the child. Acting future-proof."
The publication thus offers an up-to-date, scientifically sound framework on the challenges and threats that need to be taken into account when establishing intelligent opportunity and risk management in child and youth media protection. At the same time, the risk atlas serves as an overview-like orientation and reference work on possible risks, but also in part on opportunities for the development of children and young people in the use of digital media.
Further information on the project and its results can be found on the website of the Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors.
[18 May 2022]


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